Yesterday I watched my friend, Lisa’s kids for a few hours. The thing I love about having other kids over is that everyone is entertained. The boys played outside the entire time in an attempt to exclude the little sisters from what they were doing and the little girls played babies the whole time, one had the little shopping cart filled with babies and the other had the stroller filled with even more babies. Christian followed them around and tried to take the babies.
It was so good for Juliette to have a friend over. Socially she does pretty well, although she has a tendency towards bossiness, so that is something we are working on.
After the kids all went home I made a mini-mock thanksgiving dinner. Recipes will of course be posted as everything turned out super yummy. Here’s the spread, and the reason why I have to wait until after dinner to take pictures of things.
That is also the reason I wasn’t able to take the time to properly take the picture and actually have it mostly all in focus. Oh well, whatr’ ya gonna do?
Then all the little stink ate was the stuffing.
I decided to do a little Thanksgiving because I always want to try all the yummy different Thanksgiving stuff floating around on all the food blogs but I do NOT like my actual Thanksgiving meal messed with. Plus, what if something is yucky and I ruin everyone’s holiday? So this is my safe, experimental meal.
After eating our delicious meal and getting it all photographed and cleaned up, getting the kids in bed and watching a movie, I went upstairs to go to bed. I was going to set my phone on my bedside table and then go do my little nightly check of the kidlets and found this:
That would be my jewelry box, completely emptied of it’s contents and the top drawer missing. Now I don’t have a lot of nice jewelry or anything, I am not really a big jewelry person, BUT I still don’t want it GONE.
That’s right, GONE.
There was ZERO evidence of where it had disappeared to. I mean, I knew WHO had made it disappear, I just couldn’t figure out HOW. All I could find was the top drawer, which was sitting on the floor under my bed and my broken watch.
That’s it.
It was the best disappearing act in the history of my children.
I searched her room, all her baskets and little storage compartments.
I got Jeremiah and then headed down to playroom to check all her purses.
Not even the back of an earring.
I came back upstairs to see if Jeremiah had found anything and we both were on the verge of laughing because the whole thing was so amazing. Jeremiah got down next to Juliette’s bed and woke her up.
It was the right thing to do.
Considering she had completely stumped us.
He softly and gently (as only he can) asked her if she knew where Mommy’s jewelry was.
She nodded, yes.
He told her to go get it, she hopped out of bed and ran into our room. We followed her in there and she walks into the closet and shuts the door.
Yes, shuts the door.
Just as I was beginning to wonder if she was really awake she popped out the other side and starts sifting through all my clothes and saying, “Tan fine it Mommy! Tan fine it!” So I pull back the clothes and there in the way back of the closet is this:
A plastic bag full of jewelry.
Well, not full, I don’t have that much jewelry. But you get the point.
- Huckleberry Plum Pie - January 1, 2017
- Fresh Mango Sorbet - July 17, 2016
- Steak Caesar Salad - June 8, 2016