Christian has been on fire lately.
Somehow, over Christmas, he seems to have found his baby-super powers. He is amazing at climbing things now. He can scuttle his little buns on top of just about any surface these days.
It’s REALLY annoying and REALLY hysterical at the same time. I have been finding him in all kinds of strange places that he shouldn’t be in.
Do you see how he is like cliff-hanging off the edge? The middle one he was clapping for himself.
One of my favorites though is watching him zip down the stairs when he wants to get down in a hurry. He lays on his tummy, feet first and just slides down the stairs. It is amazingly fast.
He uses his new-found skills for evil most of the time though. Now that he can get up on the dinning room table he has discovered he can easily get things he knows Linus and Juliette have put up there specifically so he cannot get them. They have not yet realized they can’t put things up there anymore
This is classic. Juliette steps away from the table for a second to show me the amazing doggy she colored and he whips right in there and snatches her marker.
A known no-no.
He doesn’t care.
Here’s another classic. “Oh, Linus is distracted by the movie….I’ll just steal his cookie…he won’t notice….”
Oh and then there’s this blanket that he LOVES. My sister Emma crocheted it for me for Christmas, Christian thinks it’s his.
Heaven FORBID anyone else uses it in his presence.
He takes it away from whoever is using it just because. It’s his.
Yesterday he figured out something new.
I was in my room folding laundry or some such noble deed and I heard something going on in the kids bathroom. Upon further inspection I found this:
That would be Christian in the bathroom sink. Getting Linus and Juliette’s toothbrushes to play with.
And not able to figure out how to get out of it.
These pictures were ACTUALLY taken this morning because he did it again. The first time he was trying to dive out of the sink head first so I wasn’t able to run and get my camera. But this morning I heard him up there before he got mad and I grabbed the camera and went up prepared.
Then later this morning he discovered that Juliette had gotten smart and rather than leaving her juice cup on the floor or on the dinning room table, she thought to put it FAR back on the counter. I found him trying to reach it.
See? He even went and got himself a stool. Yes, this a concept he very much understands, especially when it comes to snatching one of his siblings juice cups.
It has become something of a tradition for him to spend his mornings roaming the living room for discarded sippy cups in the hopes that they have something in them besides plain ol’ goat milk. It’s a blessed moment when he finds a full juice cup and the owner isn’t paying attention.
- Huckleberry Plum Pie - January 1, 2017
- Fresh Mango Sorbet - July 17, 2016
- Steak Caesar Salad - June 8, 2016